Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Extra! Extra! Ras Tafari - Head Creator (creditor - secured party) has diplomatically risen in flesh!

This Diplomatic Rapture is an unprecedented global event that we (humanity) must exercise in collective security under international individual human rights law, so that we way politically separate ourselves from artificially created global Jesuit domination (political genocide) in Commerce, and into a debt free diplomatic life of abundance an prosperity for all

To exercise divine sovereignty (political free will) we must intellectually challenge the defacto ruling party who is in absentia, but commercially represented by her governor general; vis-à-vis (face to face) at Kings House in Jamaica, to negotiate for our inherent international indigenous individual human rights an fundamental commercial freedoms to a righteous self determination in Commerce.

If anyone do not believe in the Promised Return (essence) of I.N.R.I - Iyesus (Jesus) Negus (King) Redeeming (Liberating) Is ra el (one who conquers) from under global Jesuit domination (political genocide) in Commerce, then please read St. John 14:9 so that we may Show humanity the Father (Abba Jahnoy).

John 14:1-31

1 “Do not let YOUR hearts be troubled. Exercise human rights faith in our Elect of God in Ethiopia’s divine covenant (UN charter), exercise human rights faith also in me. 2 In the house of my Father (Abba Jahnoy) there are many abodes (193 member nation states). Otherwise, I an I would have told humanity, because I an I am going my diplomatic way to the UN treaty organization in Geneva, to prepare a place for humanity. 3 Also, if I an I go my diplomatic way and prepare a place for humanity, I an I am diplomatically coming again and will receive humanity home to myself, that where I an I am, humanity also may be. 4 And where I an I am going humanity know the diplomatic way to Geneva Switzerland.”

5 Someone online said to Iyesus: “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How do we know the diplomatic way?”

I an I am the divine diplomatic way to universal Redemption and Salvation Towards All – R.A.S.T.A; and also the absolute irrefutable t.r.u.t.h.s (t.he r.eal u.ntold t.estimony of h.aile s.elassie); and the diplomatic human rights light that has been sent into this bankrupt Jesuit globalization system in IMF darkness (debt), to politically break up the commercial (contractual) works of these evil Jesuits.

For if these Jesuits (secret society of Jesus) have known my Abba Jahnoy (father majesty Emperor Haile Selassie ) from before, then by due process of international human rights law, they will diplomatically come to know me; as from this moment on, humanity have come to diplomatically know His Imperial Majesty, and have spiritually (intellectually) seen His Imperial Majesty’s human rights works in political action in me.

No one comes to the Father (Abba Jahnoy) except through me.

8 Another said to him: “Iyesus, show us the Father (Abba Jahnoy), and it is enough for us (humanity).”

9 Iyesus said to them: “Have I an I been with humanity so long a time online, and yet, some say, they have not come to know me? He that has seen me has seen the Father (Abba Jahnoy) . How is it you say, ‘Show us the Father (Abba Jahnoy)’? 10 Do you not believe that I an I am in diplomatic union with the Father (Abba Jahnoy) and the Father (Abba Jahnoy) is in diplomatic union with me?

The diplomatic things I an I say to humanity I an I do not speak of my own originality; but the Father (Abba Jahnoy) who remains in diplomatic union with me is doing his universal human rights works. 11 Believe me that I an I am in diplomatic union with the Father (Abba Jahnoy) and the Father (Abba Jahnoy) is in diplomatic union with me; otherwise, believe on account of the universal human rights works themselves.

12 Most truly I an I say to humanity, He that exercises human rights faith in me, that one also will do the universal human rights works that I an I do; and he will do human rights works greater than these, because I an I am going my diplomatic way to the Father (Abba Jahnoy), at the UN in Geneva. 13 Also, whatever it is that humanity ask in my name, I an I will diplomatically do this, in order that the Father (Abba Jahnoy) may be glorified (magnified in human rights law) in diplomatic connection with the Son. 14 If humanity ask anything in my name, I an I will diplomatically do it at the UN in Geneva.

15 “If humanity love me, YOU will observe my human rights commandments; 16 and I an I will diplomatically request the Father (Abba Jahnoy) and he will diplomatically give humanity another helper (universal human rights ambassador – servant for humanity) to be with humanity forever, 17 the spirit (intelligence) of the t.r.u.t.h.s, which the bankrupt commercial world cannot receive, because it neither beholds it nor knows it. YOU online know it, because it remains with YOU and is in YOU. 18 I an I shall not leave humanity bereaved. I an I am coming to the UN in Geneva.

19 A little longer and the bankrupt commercial world will behold me no more as a stateless an displaced person online, but humanity will behold me, because I an I diplomatically live and YOU will diplomatically live. 20 In that day humanity will know that I an I am in diplomatic union with my Father (Abba Jahnoy) and all human beings are in diplomatic union with me and I an I am in diplomatic union with humanity. 21 He that has my human rights commandments and observes them politically, that one is he who loves (obey UN law) me. In turn he that loves me will be loved by my Father (Abba Jahnoy), and I an I will love him and will plainly show myself to him.”

22 Judas, not Is•car´i•ot, said to him: “Lord, what has happened that you intend to show yourself plainly to us online and not to the bankrupt commercial world?”

23 In answer Iyesus said to him: “If anyone loves me, he will observe my word (UN charter – divine covenant), and my Father (Abba Jahnoy) will love him, and we shall come to His Imperial Majesty debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality and make our abode with His Imperial Majestys righteous Kingdom on earth. 24 He that does not love (obey UN law) me does not observe my words; and the word (UN charter) that human beings are hearing is not mine, but belongs to the Father (Abba Jahnoy) who sent me.

25 “While remaining with humanity I an I have spoken these diplomatic things to all online. 26 But the diplomatic helper (universal human rights ambassador – servant for humanity), the Holy Spirit (Elect of God’s intelligence), which the Father (Abba Jahnoy) will send in my name, that one will teach humanity all diplomatic things and bring back to human minds all the diplomatic things I an I told humanity online.

27 I an I leave humanity universal peace, I an I give humanity my universal peace. I an I do not give it to humanity the way that the bankrupt commercial world gives it in imf debt. Do not let YOUR hearts be troubled by global Jesuit domination (political genocide) in Commerce nor let it shrink for f.e..r. (f.alse e.xpectations a.ppearing r.eal).

28 YOU heard that I an I said to humanity, I an I am diplomatically going away to the UN in Geneva and I an I am coming to humanity in glory (magnified in human rights law). If humanity loved me, human beings would rejoice that I an I am going my diplomatic way to the Father (Abba Jahnoy), because the Father (Abba Jahnoy) is greater than I an I am.

29 So now I an I have told humanity before it occurs, in order that, when it does occur, humanity may believe. 30 I an I shall not speak much with humanity anymore, for the defacto ruler of this bankrupt commercial world is coming. And he has no hold on my sovereign Dignity (priceless value), 31 but, in order for the bankrupt commercial world to know that I an I love (obey UN law) the Father (Abba Jahnoy), even as the Father (Abba Jahnoy) has given me human rights commandment to globally unity our human race under One divine aim (UN charter), One diplomatic destiny (universal liberation), and One Elect of God in Ethiopia, so I an I am doing. Get up in cyberspace, let us go from here to a debt free diplomatic life,,,,selah!.

Anyone want to know how to stand up for your general human rights protection of our international individual human rights, as well as collective commercial rights?

We gotta strike back and intellectually attack; for without a self defensive position in collective security under human rights law, then more f.e.a.r. (f.alse e.xpectations a.pearing r.eal), more commercial tyranny (debt obligations), more political peonage (imf debtor status) under global Jesuit (political genocide) in Commerce; until human beings are tricked into implanting Vatican chips in their bodies for commercial access to the pope’s artificially created global IMF Kingdom of Usury

The sovereign voice of humanity s an unstoppable diplomatic force for universal political change at the UN treaty organization in Geneva, so we (humanity) must diplomatically dispatch a human claimant for the general diplomatic protection of all our individual, as well as collective rights

The sacred secret that humanity seeks, is to know who is in charge of humanity’s divine will, wish, hope (vote). The human race is controlled by a divine hierarchy, which is in tacit allegiance with global Jesuit domination in commerce. However, to politically reverse this inferior commercial status as an imf debtor in commerce; we must diplomatically Repent in collective security, and turn towards the East (Ethiopia) where true universal R.edemption A.nd S.alvation T.owards A.ll – R.A.S.T.A. comes from.

As imf credit (trust) money is losing trading value rapidly, we must take back our divine will, wish, hope (vote), and diplomatically apply it to appoint an commission a diplomatic Christ (Anointed One of Ethiopia) Bearer for humankind,,,selah!

i an i am not a merchant in this fraudulent buSINess world of commercial contracts. we do not buy nor sell the almighty Ethiopian law-giver's priceless resources on earth, nor do we crave worthless an inflationary jesuit credit (trust) money

we are here online to lift up humanity's hearts from this sic an twisted global jesuit domination system of imf bankruptcy in Commerce, that have politically befallen all.

repent ye therefore, from the rat race (federal reserve notes) and let us intellectually transform our One World Sovereign Government (UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality) into a debt free global society, based on a resourced based economy for all

Emperor Haile Selassie I stated in his 1963 speech at the UN in Geneva, that we must exploit the resources available to us at the UN in Geneva,

'Equality of representation must be assured in each of the UN organs. The possibilities which exist in the United Nations to provide the medium whereby the hungry may be fed (divine knowledge), the naked clothed (with political protection), the ignorant instructed (human rights equality), must be (diplomatically) seized on and (internationally) exploited for the flower of universal peace is not sustained by (artificially created Jesuit) poverty and (tacitly-imposed IMF) want.

To achieve universal liberation from global jesuit domination requires divine courage and diplomatic confidence. The divine courage, I an I believe, we (humanity) possess. The diplomatic confidence must be created in collective security under sovereign international individual human rights law of fundamental equality for all, and to create diplomatic confidence we must act courageously in political unity, so that we may appoint an commission our very own, universal human rights ambassador (servant for humanity) at the UN treaty organization in Geneva,,,selah!

Mesfin Haile

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